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Find us at MECSPE 2025


mbo Osswald has been in existence for more than 50 years now, and that name has just as long been a guarantee for high quality mechanical linking elements. Usage of the latest manufacturing techniques guarantees top quality and rapid delivery times.

Our Products made of steel or stainless steel - Clevises, clevis joints, mating pieces for clevises, folding spring bolts, bolts, angle joints, ball studs, ball joints, rod ends, pivoting bearings, retainers, joint rods, machine parts - are standard.

We are also the right partner when it is a question of special parts. We manufacture precision turned and milling parts in accordance with your specification or offer you the benefit of our know-how to find solutions to your special applications.

mbo - Systematic solutions for linking technology

Services and Products

Forcelle DIN 71752 DIN ISO 8140 CETOP RP102P Snodi a forcella Perni Snodi angolari Snodi assiali Perni sferici Sedi sferico Teste a snodo Snodi sferici Elementi di fissaggio Boccole snodate Bulloni ad occhio Snodi per alberi Linguette di aggiustamento Supporti asse Collari di spallamento Chiavette con nasello Linguette a disco Dadi per scanalature a T Rondelle Copiglie Dadi Coppiglie elastiche Chiavette tangenziali Spine cilindriche Acciai per chiavette Produzione conto terzi Pezzi da disegno Pezzi torniti CNC Viti speciali tornite Bussole Bussole secondo il disegno Dadi a bussola torniti Dadi speciali torniti Bulloni filettati Assi secondo il disegno Perni a norma DIN / EN / ISO perni con scanalatura perni secondo il disegno Tiranti a snodi Barre filettate