Catalogo Ultrasonic Standard Machines

Pubblicato il 24/01/2025

Ultrasonic plastic welding is a method of joining two pieces of thermoplastic together seamlessly using high frequencies. An ultrasonic plastic welding machine converts high-frequency electrical energy into high-frequency mechanical energy to fuse parts without changing their state from solid to liquid. Since no melting occurs, the joints created are so strong and seamless that they even rival the material characteristics of injection molding. In addition, ultrasonic technology is used to make clean and precise cuts through many types of materials. Ultrasonic plastic welding machines are used throughout nearly every industry, including automotive, food and beverage, medical, aerospace, electrical, and more. This technology is used to process and join films, textiles, and thermoplastics, or even cut foods. At MS Ultrasonic Technology Group, we offer a range of custom and standard ultrasonic plastic welding machines, including the MS sonxTOP series. Our machines provide versatile solutions for many applications, including consumer goods, medical technology, automotive, and more.


The MS Ultrasonic Technology Group is a technology and innovation leader in the field of ultrasonic welding and Part of the Schunk Group. MS Ultrasonic develops and builds flexible ultrasonic custom m...